Category Archives: Short Story A Day

The New Kid on the Block (Day 2)

The plastic crinkled loudly as his world shook. It had been 11 months since movement or light had surrounded him; It was that time of year again. Awoken from his slumber he was groggy, but ready to get recharged. It only took a few minutes for the giant to bring him and his best friend to the living room, dropping them in a clump on the soft carpet.

“Philip. Philip! Are you awake,” beckoned Gee to the light just down the string from him.
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Black Friday (Day 1)

Sarah let out a groan under her breath. She had shoveled food into her mouth and down her throat with as few bites as possible. She needed to get into line, and with the deals starting at midnight, there was no time to waste. Her family insisted she spend dinner with them, but they never had a specific time limit. She was already regretting her eating habits. She looked down the line and waved for one of the security officers standing at the entrance.
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